Covid-19 Safety Protocols
Welcome Back!
I am excited to announce that Above Gravity Massage Therapy has re-opened. I offer registered massage therapy in Winnipeg specializing in Ashiatsu barefoot massage. This form of massage can be done as either a deep tissue treatment or relaxation. It is designed to be pleasurable, deeply relaxing and very effective. The broad, compressive strokes provided by the foot have maximal impact on muscle and fascial release. I also offer regular massage using hands/forearms. Receipts are provided for insurance purposes.
Please call or text to book 204-229-1305 for appointments within the week, or if you can't find an appointment time that fits your schedule. Online booking is available. Additional availability is added weekly.
Due to Covid-19 there will be no cancellation fee's. Prior to arriving at the appointment I require all clients to complete the self assessment. Please follow the link to the MB Covid-19 Screening tool.
Please cancel your appointment if you have had any cold like symptoms within the past week including:
headache, fever, chills, muscle aches, sore throat, loss of voice, runny nose, sinus congestion, cough,conjunctivitis,skin rashes, shortness or breath, difficulty breathing, loss of taste or smell or gastrointestinal upset such as nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting or diarrhea, muscle aches, fatigue, conjunctivitis.
I require my clients to bring a cloth mask which they will be required to wear during the massage. If you do not have one I can provide a disposable mask. I will also wear a mask during the treatment. As our Cov-19 cases rise I may also be using a sheild. Don't let that alarm you, it's just an added percaution. You will be required to wash or sanitize your hands upon entrance. The air in my room is purified with a hepa air filter during my treatments. I also leave additional time between clients. All surfaces will be disinfected between each client, as they always were. If possible I would prefer to take payments using etransfer at this time. If you have booked online I will be sending you an online Covid-19 screening to complete the day prior to the appointment. This ensures that you have used the screening tool and are well. Please call or text 204-229-1305 for any last minute changes.